United States

EaseUS Purchase Guarantee

Buying any of EaseUS products is fast, easy, and secure. Full version download link automatically goes to your e-mail in a priority sequence within several minutes after confirmation of your purchase. Please indicate your e-mail correctly while purchasing or contact sales@easeus.com if you encountered problems during online purchase.

100% Security

Buy with confidence! EaseUS purchase is handled by Digital River. The Digital River online order form is 100% secure. Digital River is a veteran ecommerce company, which specializes in software. You will be connected to the SECURE page to enter your credit-card information safely. You will receive your download URL and registration help information immediately after your registration is validated. We accept several types of payment: Credit Card, PayPal, Bank/Wire Transfer, Check/Money Order, Fax, Invoice. Secure payments assured. Product download link delivered in real time.

EaseUS Refund Policy

All of EaseUS's products are covered under our 30-day money back guarantee. We stand behind our products, that's why we offer the 30-day money back guarantee. We are dedicated to providing quality software and great customer support. More information about our refund policy, please go to: https://www.easeus.com/sales-faq/refund-policy.htm

Free Updates

The software price includes free program updates. This means that you don't have to buy updates just for bug fixes and minor improvements - you get all program updates within one version for free. For example, update from version 4.0 to 4.5, it will be free of charge. Please write to accounts@easeus.com with your order ID and registry email address for the latest version of EaseUS Todo Backup.

For upgrade between versions, like from version 2.x to 3.x, it will be charged. And only registered users are qualified for such upgrades. Please contact accounts@easeus.com for help.

Quick purchase and tech support

You will get an answer to your e-mail inquiry within 18 hours except for GMT+8 Sunday. The response is fast, friendly and competent, and comes from a real person with a name. We treat you as we would like to be treated as customers.

If you lose your License code, you'll get it back without having to pay for it again. We remember your purchase and your License code so we can help you because we know how easily these accidents happen. This leaves you free to concentrate on your business. If you have lost your unlock code, just fill out this form to retrieve it.

Keeping you informed

You are able to choose to join our newsletter during purchase. We want to help you improve your backup skills by sending you tips, tricks, latest products, upgrade notice and giveaways.

EaseUS has a very strict Privacy Policy; Your information will only be used by EaseUS and only for subjects related to EaseUS's products and services. Every email includes a unsubscribe link, you may unsubscribe anytime.

Store Info

30 day money back

If you encounter any problem during the online purchase, please try the alterative purchasing channel here or be free to contact RegNow.

Contact RegNow

Phone Order Line - available 24/7
U.S. and Canada: 1-877-353-7297
International: 1-(952)646-5331

Fax Order Line - available 24/7
US Toll-Free Fax Number: 1-800-442-3172
International Fax Number: +1952-646-5604

Postal Mail address: Digital River, Inc.
10380 Bren Road West
Minnetonka, MN 55343-9072

Contact RegNow.com via customer service form.